Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Have you seen "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"? The latest one , starring Johnny Depp.Well if you have, remember the line that Willy Wonka says to Mike TV, "You know you really shouldn't mumble, because I can't hear a single word your saying!!!"
Well, my daughter, who is the eldest said something rather funny the other day. We were heading off to school and she was having a bit of a dummy spit and was mumbling away in the back of the car and I said my golden line from Willy Wonka, thinking it would make her laugh, instead I got this:
"I am not the mumbler, you are the mumbler, that's why you are called mum!"

Well, I held back the laughter as she was not very happy, and I didn't want to make the situation worse. But I had to share this, it was such a cheeky but rather clever thing to say:)

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