Thursday, January 7, 2010

What a Crazy Year!!

Time has past by so fast! So much has happened that I can't put it all down. What I can say is that Benjamin had his 1st birthday a few days after Christmas. Christmas was fun and it wasn't too hot either. We didn't have an a amazing New Years, we just stayed up and watched the fireworks on TV, which was fine with us!
I'm into the holidays now and the crazy chickens have come up with a very creative idea/project. I have linked a blog to this blog and they have decided to creat a blogshow! It was the older two who came up with it but they have been generous enough to include whoever wants to join in, meaning Liam and mum and dad if they wish!!! We are working on the first couple of 'episodes' and I will announce here when they have done it so you can see their blogshow on their own blog. I can't say too much more because it's all Top Secret, but the name of the show is, Pippa and Mr Guinea Pig or Mr G Pig! Its a barrel of laughs and it has been a great way to get the crazy chickens to work together and enjoy each others company!

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